Notes- Revelations from God

Attitude Control

You might have heard the term “attitude control” in the news when referring to a plane crash – that the plane lost “attitude control” and crashed. In the world of aviation the term “attitude” refers to the direction in which you are pointed. 0 to 90 degrees is positive attitude while 0 to -90 degrees is a negative attitude, with 90 degrees being straight up, 0 degrees being perfectly level , and -90 degrees being straight down. There is a Godly principal in this idea as you will soon see.

If we replace the believer with an airplane, when we get saved we get our wings (faith) and take off. The engines are the Holy Spirit and the fuel is the written word of God. It is impossible to climb without POWER (the engines). If we try to climb and go higher in the things of God without POWER this is a stall and we will drop like a rock until we regain lift (our wings). As we fly the terrain beneath us is things of this world, our circumstances, and our problems, and the sky above is heaven. With a positive attitude our gaze is toward heaven, while with a negative attitude our gaze is toward the earth. If we have a negative attitude for too long we are in a dive and need to “pull up” or we are going to crash on our circumstances and problems. However if we keep a positive attitude we will go higher in the things of God. If we climb high enough the air becomes thin and a constant positive attitude is required for level flight. Also as we go higher heaven is revealed (the sky becomes black and you can see the stars (the angels)). The higher we go the smaller the world below gets . Eventually when we go high and fast enough we reach escape velocity and leave the earth realm and enter heaven (when God calls us home).

The unbeliever on the other hand must “hoof it” across the terrain (their circumstances and problems) under their own power, an arduous and dangerous task. They can't see things from heaven's perspective and rarely get a glimpse of anything except the next mountain (their problems); but our faith (wings) allows us to soar above our problems by God's power (lift) and not our own.

If there are dark clouds that block our view of the sun (Son) we can climb above them to where the sun (Son) is always shining.

From an earthly perspective storm clouds look dark and foreboding but from heaven (high altitude) they look harmless (white and fluffy).

So the moral of the story is if you want to go higher in the things of God take in the written word of God (fuel), maintain a positive attitude, and soon by the power of the Holy Spirit (the engines) you will begin to use your God-given wings (faith) and will start to climb,

Heat, Pressure, and Time

You might have heard before that diamonds and other precious stones start off as a lump of coal. They are buried deep within the earth where there is intense heat and pressure. Over thousands of years the molecules are slowly rearranged to form something such a a diamond, ruby, emerald, or sapphire. It starts off as something ugly, worthless, and common but over intense heat and pressure over a long period of time it becomes something very beautiful, precious, and valuable. So the next time you are feeling the heat and are under a lot of pressure and there seems to be no end, God is making you one of His diamonds!

Something just came to me the other day that I believe is from the Lord. The earth is round and orbiting the sun and is rotating, meaning the side of the earth facing the sun is always in daylight, while the opposite side is always in darkness. The terminator (the line between light and darkness) is always moving and it completes 1 lap per 24-hours, hence one day and night cycle equals 24-hours. If Christ decides to return during the day, it will still be night on the other side of the earth and vice-versa! This means that ½ of the 6 billion people in the world are going to get blown out of bed at the blast of the trumpet at Christ’s return!
The moral of the story is, be prepared! No matter where and when Christ decides to return, it will be in the dead of night for ½ of the world’s population!

God's Power is Like Electricity

Last spring semester at community college I took a class on the basics of electricity, and God showed me another example of Godly principals at work in nature. We were learning about conductors and insulators (conductors are substances that allow electricity to flow through them, while insulators are substances that don’t allow electricity to flow through them). We were learning about what happens on the atomic level when electricity flows through something and the Lord showed me that there are also Godly principles at work in the behavior of electricity.

Electricity is made up of free electrons, electrons that are not attached to an atom. When electricity flows through a conductor such as a copper wire the free electrons bump into a copper atom that is part of the copper wire and knock the copper atom’s own electrons out of the copper atom. These newly freed electrons then slam into the adjacent copper atoms in the wire, knocking their electrons out of the copper atoms and electricity flows through the copper wire in one big chain reaction, like a set of dominoes.

In the class we were learning about the differences between conductors and insulators on the atomic level. An insulator (such as plastic, rubber, or glass) which does not conduct electricity holds onto it’s electrons very tightly and keeps them close to the nucleus. It won’t let go of it’s electrons and if electricity tries to flow through it the flow will come to the insulator and stop since the free electrons can’t knock the insulator’s electrons out of orbit from their nucleus. On the other hand, a conductor (copper, aluminum, gold, silver, water, etc) which does conduct electricity does not hold onto it’s electrons tightly and they are further from the nucleus than with an insulator. It easily lets go of it’s electrons and if electricity tries to flow through it the free electrons will knock the conductor’s electrons out of orbit from their nucleus and electricity will flow to the next atoms.
God showed me that His power functions much like electricity. If we are like an insulator and are selfish and won’t let go of our “electrons” and want to hoard them all for ourselves it stops the flow of God’s power. However if we are like a conductor and don’t hold on to everything we have and freely give our “electrons”, then like electricity God’s power will flow through us.

Another thing I learned is that interestingly enough the best conductor of electricity there is in the world is silver, which is exactly what God compares the nation of Israel to in Isaiah 1:22-23:
22 Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water: 23 Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves: every one loveth gifts, and followeth after rewards: they judge not the fatherless, neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them.” –Isaiah 1:22-23

The Lord does it again in Ezekiel 22:22:
“As silver is melted in the midst of the furnace, so shall ye be melted in the midst thereof; and ye shall know that I the LORD have poured out my fury upon you.” –Ezekiel 22:22

In both cases the nation of Israel had rebelled against the Lord and were facing impending judgment. They had all become “dross” as the Lord said in Ezekiel 22:19:
“Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because ye are all become dross, behold, therefore I will gather you into the midst of Jerusalem.” –Ezekiel 22:19

And in Isaiah 1:22:
“22 Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water:” –Isaiah 1:22

I did some research on silver dross and it is made up of impurities in the metal. Because pure silver is the best conductor of electricity in the world, any foreign substances in the silver will lower it’s conductivity. The silver with impurities in it must be melted and purged of the dross and then it will conduct electricity better than it would have otherwise. This is exactly what the Lord figuratively said He would do to rebellious Israel in Isaiah 1:25:
“24 Therefore saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts, the mighty One of Israel, Ah, I will ease Me of mine adversaries, and avenge Me of mine enemies: 25 And I will turn My hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross, and take away all thy tin: 26 And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counselors as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, The city of righteousness, the faithful city.” –Isaiah 1:24-26

God could have said gold or iron or tin or another metal, but being the creator of the elements He knew exactly what He was doing when He spoke these words to the Old Testament prophets. Nobody knew anything about electricity or conductivity or the properties of silver back in the days these books of the Bible were written, but God did!

Ezekiel Bread

Just recently I was at Giant and I spotted a new type of bread, called Ezekiel Bread. I took a look at it and it turned out that someone had taken the recipe for bread God gave Ezekiel to eat during the 390 days he was to bear the sins of Israel, in Ezekiel 4:9, and made it. 
“Also take for yourself wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and spelt; put them into one vessel, and make bread of them for yourself. During the number of days that you lie on your side, three hundred and ninety days, you shall eat it. –Ezekiel 4:9
I read some more on the label and they had analyzed it for nutrients and found some very interesting things about it. There are 9 essential amino-acids (types of protein) that the human body needs to build muscle tissue. Some types of food lack 1 or more of these amino-acids so we must eat different types of food to get all 9 amino-acids in our diet. For example wheat is lacking in the amino-acid lysine so we must get lysine from somewhere else or else it will be impossible to build muscle. If we ate nothing but wheat, we would be malnourished. Most bread does not have all 9 essential amino-acids, but the recipe that God gave Ezekiel does. In fact, it has 18 amino-acids along with other vitamins and minerals. Back in the days of Ezekiel this was probably one of the healthiest foods you could possibly eat (obviously there weren’t any vitamin pills or nutritional supplements back then). Because it has all 9 essential amino-acids it is basically the same as eating meat, milk, or eggs. 
If our bodies don’t get the nutrients they need to function from the food we eat then our bodies are forced to eat themselves to survive and we slowly waste away until we start getting enough food again. I’m not an expert, but I think if Ezekiel had eaten nothing but regular bread for 390 days he would have been in very bad shape physically by the end. However the bread recipe God gave Ezekiel is much healthier than regular bread because of all the different types of grain in it and would have been basically the same as eating meat and taking a vitamin pill. Back in the days of Ezekiel they obviously knew nothing about amino acids or nutrition, but God did! He knew exactly what He was doing when He gave the recipe to Ezekiel!

Electrical Resistance

Something I learned about conductors and insulators in 
school was that the conductivity of a substance is 
measured by it’s resistance (measured in units called 
ohms). The higher the resistance of the substance, the 
less easily electricity can pass through it and thus the 
less conductive it is. You can get the same amount of 
electricity through a substance with low conductivity as 
a substance with high conductivity, but you’ll need to 
use more electricity since more will be lost in the 
transfer. God showed me that in the same way the less 
resistance we have to His Spirit, the more easily His 
power will flow through us.

Another thing that God showed me dealing with electricity 
was about semiconductors (such as silicon, which is what 
computer chips are made out of). Semiconductors conduct 
electricity very well when they’re hot, but very poorly 
when they’re cold. Just like this we are better 
“conductors” of God’s power when we’re hot for God rather 
than cold.

Something just came to me while I was watching a Youtube video, it was of people on a camping trip on the shore of a lake out in the woods. (I was doing research for a camping trip) surprisingly there were other people camping out on the other side of the lake and you could still hear them speak clearly close to a mile a way! Sound carries a great distance over water and this reminded me of something Jesus did in Mark 4:1:

"Again Jesus began to teach by the lake. The crowd that gathered around him was so large that he got into a boat and sat in it out on the lake, while all the people were along the shore at the water’s edge." Mark 4:1

He needed to address a large group of people but He was a good 2000 years before a megaphone or loudspeaker was invented, so what could he do? Being the creator of the laws of physics he knew about the natural megaphone effect of water and got in a boat and told them to cast off into the lake. This allowed Him to address the huge crowd successfully without using any technology. This was probably not common knowledge back them but it was to Him! If you want to see this effect firsthand the video is here at 24 minutes and 20-40 seconds where you can hear him talking about the cub scouts:

Another thing I learned in school is that electrical resistance is related to surface-area. When there is more surface-area of two objects touching each other resistance goes down, and also the other way around, when there is less surface-area of two objects touching each other resistance goes up. If you were to take an electrical cord and cut it in half and strip away the plastic covering on one end and then you plugged the other end into a wall socket, and then you touched the tip of the exposed wire on the first end with the tip of your finger, there would be a very small surface-area of the wire touching your body so the resistance would be high, so a smaller amount of current would flow through your body and you would probably receive a painful but otherwise harmless shock. On the other hand if you took the same cord and wrapped the exposed end around your leg and then plugged it into the same wall socket, there would be a much greater surface area of the wire touching your body so the resistance would be low, so much more current would flow through your body and you would probably be killed. What God showed me was that in the exact same way resistance goes down when surface-area increases, the more conformed we are to His will, the more contact there is between us and Him which lowers our spiritual “resistance” and His power is more easily able to flow through us.

Short circuit

You might have heard a teaching about Christians becoming too “salty” and turning into a “dead sea' (we are called to be salt and light). The dead sea is too salty because the river Jordan flows into it but nothing flows out, the only way water can escape is through evaporation and the salt concentration goes up and up until nothing can live in it, hence the name “dead sea”. There is another Godly principal similar to this in the behavior of electricity. If you take a AA battery and a wire and touch the – end of the battery (the end that electrons The Electromagnet      

Something else came to me the other day and I started 
doing some research looking for Godly principals in 
magnetism, it turns out I found one! Specifically I 
found something regarding an electromagnet. An 
electromagnet is a temporary magnet that is created by 
a flow of electric current. If you take a wire and 
wrap it tightly around a metal object, such as a large 
bolt, and the connect one end of the wire to the (+) 
end of a battery and the other end of the wire to the 
(-) end of the battery this will complete the circuit 
and electricity will begin to flow. The flow of 
current around the metal object with create a magnetic My late grandmother wrote down this story while she
was still living. She had a sister who was terminally
ill with cancer, she was in the hospital and the
doctors had only given her a few days to live. My
grandmother was at home in bed for the night, when she
suddenly woke up in the middle of the night at around
2am. The room suddenly lit up as if a light was turned
on but she had not turned on the light. There was a
gust of wind in the room even though all the windows
were closed and she felt an invisible hand touch her
on her arm. Instantly she knew that her sister had
come to say goodbye! The room went dark again and the
gust of wind stopped. Early the next morning she got a
phone call, her sister had passed away during the
night at precisely 2am

field that will draw other metallic objects to it. 
Like this the flow of God's power around a conductor 
(someone who is turned on to God and good conductor of 
God's power) will create a “magnetic field” that will 
draw all men unto Himself. This is teaching #5 on 
Godly principals in electricity, what I think I am seeing here 
is God's hand on the laws of physics! We call 
electricity “power” and God's power behaves the exact 
same way, it is identical in a lot of different ways!

will flow out of, electrons have a - charge) nothing will happen, however if you take the wire and touch the – end with one end and the + end with the other this completes the circuit and electricity will start to flow and the flow can power something like a light bulb..

In a similar fashion to the dead sea becoming dead due from water flowing into it but not out at the same time, and like the battery, if God's power is flowing into us but not out at the same time then this is a spiritual “short-circuit” and it stops the flow of God's power.

Also like the dead sea becoming too salty and dying, a rechargeable battery can become overcharged leading to reduced performance or battery failure.

One thing I learned in school was about the behavior of electrons. The only way for electricity to do it's job is to move in a completed circuit, in the case of a battery it exits (-) end, and then flows along a copper wire into the (+) and any device in the loop between the (-) and (+) will receive power as the electricity flows through it. As long as this is happening current will flow. However if there is a break in the loop this is a short circuit and the electrons will stop dead in their tracks, they will not move unless they have a place to go. Just like electrons will not move unless they have a place to go, God's power also will not move unless it has a vessel, like in the scripture Elisha and the widows oil. Elisha told the widow to give him a vessel and it was miraculously filled with oil. He told her to keep giving him vessels and they were filled and finally she ran out of vessels and the blessing stopped. Like the Widow's oil the power of electricity will also stop once there is no longer a “vessel”.

Another thing that came to me:

Electricity always follows the path of least resistance. Like this, God's power follows the path of least resistance to Him.

The Rechargeable Battery

Another thing that just came to me is regarding rechargeable batteries. I did some research and it turns out there are Godly principals at work in rechargeable batteries! Normally when the battery is charged the electrons will flow out of the (-) terminal of the battery, through whatever device needs to be powered, and then back into the (+) terminal of the battery. This loop is a complete circuit. When the rechargeable battery loses it's charge and needs to be recharged this is done buy reversing the flow of electrons from (-) to (+) to (+) to (-) . Like the battery we also need to be recharged with God's power from time to time, for a short time the flow of electrons is reversed and His power is flowing into us from the opposite direction giving us a time of refreshing and ”recharging” our batteries. You might have also heard a teaching about Christians becoming too “salty” and becoming a dead sea, this applies to this concept as we must be careful not to become overcharged which would result in decreased battery performance or failure.

I was in worship last sunday and saw the people in front of me raise their hands before God and a thought came to me, just like in a thunderstorm if you raise your hands you are more likely to be struck by lighting (or if you hold up something like a golf club), you are also more likely to get “struck” with God's power if you raise your hands in surrender to God and His presence is thick enough, like a cloud!

God's hands on the laws of physics

Something came to me the other day and I started doing some research on Godly principals on the laws of physics, it turns out I found some interesting things, no smoking gun but interesting nonetheless. There seem to be several numbers with some significance in the bible-- the first is the number 3. We serve a triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) who according to the Bible created everything. Interestingly enough the tiniest building block of God's creation is an atom, which also has 3 parts (proton, neutron, and electron) if we want to go further still each of these also has smaller building blocks called quarks, which have 3 each. Another number of significance seems to be 12. It is mentioned 187 times in the bible. There were 12 tribes in the nation of Israel, as well as 12 apostles, and12 foundations in the heavenly city of our God, also the element carbon-12 is responsible for the formation of life on earth.

The rogue wave

Something just came to me as I was watching a Youtube video of people dancing before the Lord, it reminded me of a rogue wave. A rogue wave is a gigantic tidal wave that appears in the ocean almost out of nowhere and is responsible for numerous shipwrecks. A rogue wave is formed when some seemingly harmless ripples in the water hit each other. Every time the tiny ripples collide the wave gets bigger and bigger until finally it becomes a monster capable of taking down a cruise ship! Like this one person worshipping God is a tiny ripple and as more and more join in the “wave” gets bigger and bigger in the Spirit until there is a tsunami!

Momentum p = mv

Momentum = mass x velocity

Force = mass x acceleration

Energy = mass x speed of light ^2

More and more believers agree in prayer – increase in mass, this x acceleration = force

acceleration – velocity in God

God's hands on the laws of physics

I was just doing some research trying to find Godly principals in the laws of physics and it turns out I think I have found one! There is a equation f=ma, force = mass x acceleration. If more and more believers agree together in prayer this is an increase in mass. Acceleration is how “fast” we are going in God. These 2 multiplied together equal force- the force of our effectiveness in the Spirit.

I was just messing around on Facebook and I came across Freddy Clark's page. He talked about how the early church believed that your each of our angels (like a personal guardian angel) looks similar or identical to each of us. This is backed up in the scripture Acts 12:12-15:

When this had dawned on him, he went to the house of Mary the mother of John, also called Mark, where many people had gathered and were praying. 13Peter knocked at the outer entrance, and a servant named Rhoda came to answer the door. 14When she recognized Peter’s voice, she was so overjoyed she ran back without opening it and exclaimed, “Peter is at the door!”

15You’re out of your mind,” they told her. When she kept insisting that it was so, they said, “It must be his angel.” - Acts 12:12-15

Whether this is just their belief or it is actually true remains to be seen, though I have heard stories about believers being seen at 2 places at once. I heard of a report once of a man being in North Carolina, while at the same time he was seen by thousands of people at a conference in Texas. He smiled, waved, talked to people, even talked about how his kids were doing and he did not go! It might have been his angel!

Space Time

X, Y, Z space flows through T time to form the 4 dimensional Space-Time Continuum. Each of us is an “observer”, always located at a single point in Space-Time known as an event. All the events in your lifetime, including birthdays and graduations, are assigned coordinates on a map of Space-time, a single point designated by Width(x), Height(y), Depth(z), and Time(t). The path we are on throughout our lives, called a Wordline, consists of a series of connected events forming a path in space-time from birth to death. Once you have discovered the “Wordline” for an object or even a person it cannot be changed, it is the complete “story” of it's or their lives. Everything that has ever happened to you is located on coordinates in the space-time continuum in your Wordline, from your first day in kindergarten, to that test you failed in grade school, to your first car, to when you got married, to the day you die, everything you do. The bible says that we will each be judged after we die based on the things we have done in our lives. Could this be the spiritual equivalent to the “Wordline” in the laws of physics? If we are on the wrong “path” in life (the Wordline) we can choose to repent and change our Wordline for the better! In physics the Wordline cannot be changed, it takes a miracle to do that (salvation)!

Radio Antenna

Something else came to me the other day at church when I saw the people in front of me raise their hands before God. Just like a TV has “rabbit ears” to give it better reception, we also get better “reception” in the Spirit when we raise our hands to God in surrender!

This is a story my cousin told me. Her mother was hospitalized with heart problems and she was at her side constantly while her husband was at the grocery store. Her husband was loading the groceries into his car when a strange dog came out of nowhere and jumped into the car. He tried everything to get rid of the dog and he couldn't do it, if he physically threw the dog out it would just turn right around and jump in the other door. Finally he came to the conclusion that he was not going to get rid of this dog and they were going to have to keep it as a pet! He drove home with the dog in the passenger seat and as soon as they got home it jumped out, as soon as my cousin saw it she gasped! The dog had a great big heart on each side of it, in it's markings! She took this as a sign from God that her mother would recover, and soon enough she did! The dog has since passed away but I got to see it, there really was a perfect heart shape on both sides!

I was in church the other night when the speaker gave a prophecy that we were entering into a season of acceleration as a church. Instantly something came to me, an equation, F=MA (Force = Mass x Acceleration) that I had learned about in school. As long as Mass remains positive any increase in acceleration will result in an increase in Force. Therefore the new season of acceleration will result in greater “force” in the Spirit!

Something that came to me the other day: it had to do with trees. If a tree grows too tall and becomes top heavy it will inevitably snap in half and collapse under it's own weight, just like what we will do if we become too tall and exalt ourselves. Also if we exalt ourselves in this manner we become more vulnerable when the wind and rain come and may get blown over! The taller we get the stronger our root system must be, we must be properly rooted in Christ or we will collapse if we try to grow in our faith without Him.

A tree is more likely to get blown over in a storm when it has been raining for awhile and the ground is saturated.

A tiny spark can lead to huge wildfire if conditions are dry.

A lightning bolt (God's power) can start a huge forest fire (a revival), especially when things are dry (in the spirit)! A revival can start in a instant, especially when things are dry!

How does a plant bear fruit?

A fruit always starts as a flower – the flower must be fertilized for the fruit to form

-Spiritual fruit

-But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

-What is the flower in the Spirit? The flower comes before the fruit

Flowers are the promises

The fruits of the Spirit come from the promises

The seed is in the fruit – the fruit is eaten and and the seed is proliferated

I can feel something coming to me but I need a little help: it has to do with the fruit of the Spirit. I got to thinking, how does a plant bear fruit? I did some research and fruit always starts as flower.The flower must be fertilized (via pollination) for the plant to bear fruit. The fruits of the Spirit are: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. So what are the flowers in the Spirit, and what is fertilization? Any ideas? Also the seed is in the fruit- the fruit is eaten and then the seed is proliferated. Every seed has the full DNA of the entire tree, it is capable of totally reproducing the tree out of that one tiny seed. The fruits of the Spirit are desirable-- once they are consumed the seed is proliferated and it capable of reproducing a full tree (faith) .

I was messing around on Youtube when I came across the video of the JPL (NASA) control room at the precise moment the Curiostiy Rover landed on Mars. Everyone was ecstatic, screaming and jumping for joy. Apparently some of the scientists were Christians and they sensed a strong presence of God come into the room at the precise moment the rover landed, and a strong angelic presence! This rover landing was a huge milestone in the history of mankind, who’s to say that God didn’t decide to pay his children a visit at the very moment they were reaching out to other planets and the cosmos, complete with a heavenly host of angels rejoicing? Maybe He came to watch mankind take our first steps out into space? Did we make Him proud? The link is here:

jJust like a seed needs water and sunlight to grow, we also need the living water and the light of God to grow (light is truth)!

Once our roots go deep enough in Christ we will access the fountain of living water (the aquifer – an unlimited supply of water) and will never thirst again!

"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'"

-A hot spring- a geyser – Is a fountain of living water set above a heat source. The water sinks down to the heat source and becomes hot and then it must rise and “erupt” above ground.

-When our cup runneth over we share with others

-fire in my bones

-When our cup runneth over- like the water going down to the heat source and then erupting above ground.

Radiation with sufficiently high energy can ionize atoms

-radiation is sufficient to ionize atoms and cause them to jump to a higher energy level-- when the ionized atoms go back down in energy level they emit light

The sun-- “Son” is constantly emitting cosmic radiation

Cosmic rays are high-energy radiation, mainly originating outside the Solar System[1] and even from distant galaxies.[2] Upon impact with the Earth's atmosphere, cosmic rays can produce showers of secondary particles that sometimes reach the surface.

When God's power hits the earth's atmosphere it releases a shower of blessings.

The cascade of particles that this collision produces is called an "air shower." These air showers can be composed of protons, alpha particles, neutrons, electrons, muons, pions, and x-rays.

Cosmic rays are involved in the formation of carbon 14, which is used in the radioactive dating of organic material. The carbon 14 is formed when cosmic rays strike nitrogen atoms in the air.

First, to say that there is no variation with God is to say that the dGod/dt = 0.  That is, the derivative of God over time is constant.  God does not change change with time–he is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).  As this very quote is stated in scripture, it is an accurate biblical statement expressed in the language of calculus.

-We are the variable, God is the constant, God never changes

-There is a Godly principal in calculus

-Calculus is all about limits – God has to no limits!

Second, though, there is no “shadow of turning” with God.  If we take variation as the first derivative, it would make the “shadow” of turning the second derivative.  In other words, dGod^2/dt^2 = 0.  This is an important mathematical statement for a few reasons.  For one, the derivative of a function equals 0 at either a minimum, maximum, or inflection point, but additionally stating that the second derivative is 0 means that God is a straight line, completely level, with no change at any point in the existence of the universe.  This is a very profound statement–a nerdy one to be sure, but profound nonetheless.

I am terrible at math but God just gave this to me anyway. God promised me that He would give me a teaching on Godly principals in Mathematics and tonight it came- Godly principals in calculus! I did some research and

If we try to explain our nature vs the nature of God using an equation in calculus, we are variable (we change over time) and God is the constant (God never changes with time). In calculus this can be expressed by the equation dGod / dt = 0 (the derivative of God / derivative of time = 0) Derivative is a mathematical tool that is used to study rate at which physical quantities change. There is an equation in

First, to say that there is no variation with God is to say that the dGod/dt = 0.  That is, the derivative of God over time is constant.  God does not change change with time–he is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).  As this very quote is stated in scripture, it is an accurate biblical statement expressed in the language of calculus.

I started thinking about lightning one day and I started doing some research and it turns out there are also Godly principals in the behavior of lightning. Basically, storm clouds are negatively charged while the ground below has a positive charge. The negative charge is trying to get to the ground below and it will take the path of least resistance to get there, such as a lightning rod or a tall radio antenna. Just like this God is looking to and fro on the earth for the path of least resistance to Him when He wants to display His power on the earth. Also the higher we are in God the more likely we are to be “struck”, like how someone holding up a golf club in a thunderstorm is more likely to be stuck by lightning, or standing on top of a mountain.

I came home to my parent's house for dinner one night and when I got there my Dad had all of his hunting rifles out and was cleaning them before he left for a hunting trip. Right then something came to me-- it is very important both for a soldier and a hunter to keep their weapons clean and in good condition. The Bible says that God is a man of war:

The LORD is a warrior; the LORD is his name. -Exodus 15:3

God uses us as weapons. Just like a hunter or a soldier cleaning his weapons God also cleans us from time to time, it is uncomfortable while it is taking place but we function a lot better once it is done! This is another example of the same concept where God likens us to a plant that he prunes from time to time to bear more fruit. The benefits of a hunter or a soldier cleaning his weapon are increased reliability and accuracy-- increased faithfulness in the spirit!

Cosmic Rays (radiation from deep space or even from other galaxies) can sometimes ionize molecules and force them to jump to higher energy levels-- when they go back down in energy levels light is emitted (truth).

-God's power from heaven (space) causes light to be released (truth) on the earth

When ionizing radiation interacts with molecules it can cause them to jump to higher energy levels-- when the molecules fall back down in energy levels light is emitted (truth)

God gave me something that has to do with cosmic rays. Cosmic rays are radiation that comes from deep-space, outside our solar system or even from other galaxies. The earth is constantly being bombarded with them and they are even passing through you body right now and are completely harmless. Cosmic rays can ionize molecules and force them to jump to higher energy levels. When the molecules come back down in energy level light is released. If you substitute light for truth, when God's power from heaven (space- cosmic rays) hits the earth truth is released on the earth!

God gave me something that has to do with cosmic rays. Cosmic rays are radiation that comes from deep-space, outside our solar system or even from other galaxies. When they hit the earth's atmosphere they produce a shower of secondary particles composed of protons and atomic nuclei. When the power of God (the cosmic rays) from heaven (space) hit the earth they produce a shower of blessings (the secondary particles).

I just recently discovered something very interesting about the bible's description of ancient Israel, the “promised land”. It was described numerous times in the scripture as a land “flowing with milk and honey” and “the beauty of all lands”.

So I have come down to deliver them from the power of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from that land to a good and spacious land, to a land flowing with milk and honey, to the place of the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Amorite and the Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebusite.” -Exodus 3:8

Hence I have said to you, "You are to possess their land, and I Myself will give it to you to possess it, a land flowing with milk and honey " I am the LORD your God, who has separated you from the peoples. -Leviticus 20:24

Thus they told him, and said, "We went in to the land where you sent us; and it certainly does flow with milk and honey, and this is its fruit. Numbers 13:27

On that day I swore to them that I would bring them out of Egypt into a land I had searched out for them, a land flowing with milk and honey, the most beautiful of all lands.” -Ezekiel 20:6

This is mentioned at least 20 times in the bible. Ancient Israel was one of the most fertile lands in the ancient world, and one of the most scenic, and the interesting part is that it is still this way today! Israel has the richest farmland in the entire world and despite being a tiny country they are a huge exporter of fresh produce and agricultural technology. They grow 95% of their own food. If you look carefully you can find fruits and vegetables from Israel in the produce section of your local grocery store! Israeli cows produce more milk than the United States, Europe and Australia. It is considered a world leader I milk production (it is still flowing with milk to this day). The historical notation of honey in the Old Testament is sometimes believed to be a date honey, and the land of Israel owns and harvests tens of thousands of date trees today (it is also still flowing with honey).

Another interesting thing-- the second most fertile farmland in the world is Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. God gave this to the Amish!

God's fixin to fix a fix to fix ya but if that fix doesn't fix ya he'll fix another fix and keep fixin fixes until your fixed!

A spiritual “heart attack”

Something just came to me regarding our physical and spiritual heart. Just like our natural heart circulates the blood throughout our bodies our spiritual “heart” is responsible for circulating the life of God through us (the life is in the blood according to scripture). If there is something wrong with our spiritual “heart” it will stop the life of God from reaching us. Just like in the natural if there is a blockage in our spiritual “heart” this is a spiritual “heart attack”-- a very serious condition! Unless the blockage (sin) is removed it can do damage to the heart. The treatment for this is to quickly remove the blockage so life (blood) can flow to all parts of the heart. The treatment for this is to remove the blockage (sin in our lives) in our spiritual “heart” so that the life of God can flow to all parts of us.

Something just came to me regarding our physical and spiritual heart. In the natural a “heart attack” occurs when there is a blockage in one or more of the arteries connected to the heart muscle and without treatment it can do damage to the heart muscle. Just like this, if we have a spiritual blockage (sin in our lives) it will prevent the life of God (the life is in the blood according to scripture) from reaching our spiritual “heart” and unless the blockage is removed it can do damage to our heart. This is a spiritual “heart attack”-- a very serious condition! The treatment for this is to quickly remove the blockage so life (blood) can flow to all parts of the heart.

Something just came to me while I was reading Exodus 12:23, about the angel of death sent by God to destroy the Egyptians during the Passover:

When the Lord goes through the land to strike down the Egyptians, he will see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses and strike you down. “ -Exodus 12:23

During the Passover the Israelites were instructed to put the blood of a sacrificial lamb on the Something just came to me today that totally blew my socks off. I was reading John 8:58:doorposts of their home and the angel of death would pass over their house and not strike them down. Just like this, if we apply the blood of the Lamb (Jesus) to the doorposts of our soul then we will be saved and God will see this and we will not be harmed when judgment comes (ie the angel of death).

"Before Abraham Was, I AM" (Jn.8:58)

I had never understood this but suddenly tonight I believe the meaning came to me. Why did Jesus say I AM? Why didn't he just say I was? I think the answer is that God inhabits eternity. He cannot say I was, or I will be as God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He never changes. God is outside time!

Something just came came to me while I was watching a special on CBN about agriculture in the nation of Israel. There is a scripture in the bible:

I have a greater task for you, my servant.
    Not only will you restore to greatness
    the people of Israel who have survived,
I will also make you a light to the nations
    so that all the world may be saved. -Isiah 49:6

God said he would make Israel a “light among the nations”.

Something that just now came to me:

This is regarding our spiritual “heart”. Our “heart” is the lens through which God's power is expressed through us, like a prism, or a pair of glasses. If there is something wrong with our spiritual “heart” then God's power will not properly pass through us and will not be expressed. For example you may have used a magnifying glass to focus the sun's rays an start a fire, however if the light out of focus (light- or the truth of God) then the the truth of God will not properly pass through us and the power of God will not be properly expressed (the fire will not start, or in the case of the glasses we will not see straight).

A heart of stone becomes soft and pliable when exposed to heat. (The fire of God)

Focused Prayer”

Something that just came to me: For whatever reason prayer is more effective when it is “focused”, ie praying for the specific symptoms of a disease one at a time rather than just the name of the illness. The example of this that came to me is the ability to start a fire using a magnifying glass and the rays of the sun. If you adjust the focal point of the sunlight by moving the glass back and forth (or light- which is truth) and focus the light down to a tiny dot with the magnifying glass there will be enough heat produced to ignite kindling (or receive an answer to prayer).

Something else related to this that came to me: Just like a Christian becoming a “dead sea” if they become too salty, a rechargeable battery can be overcharged and lead to decreased capability or battery failure.

Short circuit

You might have heard a teaching about Christians becoming too “salty” and turning into a “dead sea' (we are called to be salt and light). The dead sea is too salty because the river Jordan flows into it but nothing flows out, the only way water can escape is through evaporation and the salt concentration goes up and up until nothing can live in it, hence the name “dead sea”. There is another Godly principal similar to this in the behavior of electricity. If you take a AA battery and a wire and touch the – end of the battery with the wire (the end that electrons will flow out of, electrons have a - charge) nothing will happen, however if you take the wire and touch the – end with one end and the + end with the other this completes the circuit and electricity will start to flow and the flow can power something like a light bulb..

In a similar fashion to the dead sea becoming dead due from water flowing into it but not out at the same time, and like the battery, if God's power is flowing into us but not out at the same time then this is a spiritual “short-circuit” and it stops the flow of God's power.

Something that just came to me- the oil from god- the anointing- can be ignited and provide us with light- truth- and also heat.

Hey, something that happed awhile ago- I am on a prescription medication and I ran out of it, I was extremely ill and ended up in the ER at Hershey Med. I was sitting in the waiting room when they wheeled in someone on a gurney and she was screaming in agony they just parked her in the waiting room and left her there, I couldn't believe they wouldn't help her! At first I was not going to do it but God took over and I walked over to her, laid my hands on her, and prayed for her healing and I commanded the pain to go. Nothing happened with the woman but after I prayed I felt something powerful shift in the atmosphere in the ER, God's presence fell and I felt peace! I did not see anything happen but I am convinced God did something!


  1. Some more revelations-

    I just found something fascinating on YouTube, it is a documentary on the battle for Jerusalem and the destruction of the 2nd temple, Jesus spoke of this and prophesied during his ministry on the earth-

    “And Jesus went out from the temple, and was going on his way; and his disciples came to him to show him the buildings of the temple. But he answered and said unto them, ‘You see all of these things, do you not? Truly I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down’” (Matthew 24:1-2)

    In this video the Roman general Titus and 60 thousand Roman troops lays siege to Jerusalem in the year 70 AD and eventually sacked the city and burns down the 2nd temple, thus fulfilling the words spoken by Jesus! This is an awesome history lesson and you can see the words of Christ come to pass, you might want to take a look at it, only 15 minutes! I would highly recommend watching the video below!

  2. Something that happened to me- God spoke to me one day and asked me a question. He said do you really believe that I created the entire universe out of nothing?

  3. God just spoke to me through a service on live-stream over the internet-He is saying that we do no realize it but this virus is a major milestone in the history of mankind, both for believers and also non-believers. Stay strong and do not let your heart be troubled! Look up, for your redemption draws nigh!

    I believe that Christ will soon return and that the virus is a milestone in human history! This could reach into eternity!

  4. I ran across something very interesting on YouTube, it is a documentary on Operation Opera, a secret Israeli air force mission to destroy a nuclear reactor in Iraq that was being used to produce plutonium for a nuclear weapons program. The very survival of Israel depended on this mission as if Saddam Hussein got his hands on a nuclear bomb he would certainly use it on Israel to wipe out the jewish state! This is an amazing story and was a stunning victory and had God's fingerprints all over it, if you've got the time (45 mins) you might want to take a look at it. The link to the video is below, you can paste the link into your web browser.

  5. Something else that I just discovered on YouTube, it is a documentary on Operation Orchard, another secret Israeli Air Force mission to take out a Syrian nuclear reactor being used to produce plutonium to make a nuclear bomb. This took place several years after the raid on the Iraqi nuclear reactor and the intent was the same- the Syrians wanted to build a nuclear bomb to destroy Israel! This is an absolutely amazing story and you can see the hand of God in it, if you've got the time (25 mins) you might want to take a look at it! the link to the video is below, you can paste the link into your web browser.

  6. I just ran across this video on YouTube and given the current situation with Israel I thought I would spread it around. If you've got some time you might want to watch this video (only 5 minutes). It is a documentary on the 1967 6-Day war between Israel and it's Arab neighbors. In just 6-days the nation of Israel scored a stunning and miraculous victory totally outnumbered and out gunned, which could only be by the hand of God! It is looking more and more like this is going to happen again in the next few days, Israel's muslim Arab neighbors are conspiring to unite and attack Israel again, saying they are going to push the Israelis into the ocean and kill every man, woman,and child in the nation! The video of the documentary is here, you can paste the link into your web browser:

  7. I found something very interesting on Youtube, it is a documentary on the third crusade. King Richard the Lionheart of England squared off against the Muslim leader Saladin in holy war to control the holy city of Jerusalem. This is an awesome history lesson and is important to watch in order to understand current events in the middle east, the middle eastern arabs are still bitter about the crusades to this day! This video is 1hr and 30mins but is a good watch! The link to the video is below, you can paste the link into your web browser:

  8. If you've got the time you might want to take a look at this, it is a documentary on the 1973 Yom Kippur war between Israelis, Syria, and Egypt! It is about 43 minutes but is fascinating! The Israelis were once again totally outnumbered and outgunned but managed a decisive victory anyway, another miracle on top of the 1967 6-Day War! The link to the video is below, you can paste the link into your web browser:

  9. Is this scientific proof of the authenticity of the Bible!? There is a scripture in Luke that describes the moment Jesus was crucified and passed away:” It was now about noon and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon because of an eclipse of the sun.” -Luke 23:44-45 NASA has confirmed there was a solar eclipse in 33 A.D, the year when Jesus was crucified! Furthermore I checked out some information on solar eclipses and they tend to last about 3 hours, with the totality (the total blockage of the sun) lasting about 2 minutes, this agrees with the description of the solar eclipse in the scripture!

    I also did some research on the chances of a solar eclipse occurring at any given place on the earth and it is only once every 100 years! The odds of a solar eclipse occurring at the exact place and time that Jesus was on the cross are astronomical, way too high to be a freak thing! It was clearly supernatural! The bible described the eclipse as lasting 3 hours which points to a complete solar eclipse which is very rare and only cover about a 50 mile radius on the earth and only occurs once every 100 years.

  10. I just found something interesting on the internet, it is a timeline of the coronavirus pandemic. Apparently the world went on lockdown around March 31 and the body of Christ was in the belly of the beast for 2 months, not able to meet in their churches, but now most of the country is going off of lockdown at Trump's order and things are starting to look up! HALLELUJAH!! The link to the timeline is below-

  11. Something else that came to me- light (truth) can start a fire (a revival ) if it is properly focused!

  12. I had been working on this for awhile and I finally found it, apparently prophet Joseph Prince prophesied about the coronavirus back in 2018, over 1 year before it first emerged! He said at one of his meetings that there would be a new strain of disease emerge, like the flu, that would be very virulent and dangerous and resistant to medical treatment and cause widespread devastation! Joseph said that during this time God wants us to look to him and trust him! The virus did not take him by surprise, God is still on the throne, in control, and He is not nervous! The link to the video of the prophecy is below:

  13. Something that happened to me- I stayed late at my church after the Sunday service to get some work done (I was working in the CD duplication ministry). I was there all by myself and I was walking around in the sanctuary when a man in a white robe materialized, walked by me, and de-materialized again.

  14. Another thing that happened to me- I drove home after class at my local community college and pulled up in front of my parent's house (I was still living there). I sat there for a minute when a white cloud materialized in front of my car. The silhouette of a tall man in a robe appeared inside the cloud. I was not seeing this in the spirit, it was actually physically there! God spoke to me and said that I would never see that again. The man disappeared and the cloud faded.

  15. A third thing- I was at my church with a friend of mine. It was just us there in the church gym when he said he saw a man in a white robe materialize, walk by, and disappear. I saw nothing but felt lightning bolts go through me!

  16. A fourth thing- the freezer died at my parent's house and I felt that I should lay my hands on it and command it to work again. I did that and it clicked and the compressor came on and it started working again! It has been several years and it is still working fine!

  17. Something that happened to me one night at church- I was born with one leg shorter than the other and someone prayed for me and pulled on my leg and it grew out a good 3 inches! I was also born with scoliosis (a cured spine). The same person touched my back and instantly my posture straightened out, I can feel my spine and it is not the same as it was before, God gave me a new spine!

  18. A fifth thing- I was at work and was leaving for the day with a co-worker. He got into his car and tried to start it but it would not start. I felt like I should lay my hands on the hood and command it to start so I did and instantly it started!

  19. A woman in my church commit suicide (literally, she ODed on muscle relaxers and stopped breathing), they were working on her in the hospital but they couldn't bring her back and they pronounced her dead. While all this was happening she claimed to have gone to heaven and saw Jesus, she won't repeat what He said to her but it scared the liver out of her (because she commit suicide), but He said he was sending her back! Instantly she was back in her body and she jumped up off the gurney!

  20. A friend of mine was in the psych ward and they gave him a dose of lithium but it turned out he was allergic to it, he went into tachycardia and collapsed on the floor. The doctors were working on him and while this was happening he left his body and was flying through a tunnel through thick grey clouds, there was a bright light ahead in the clouds. He was about half way to the light when a voice said "Go back, it is not your time." He stopped and reversed and starting flying blackwards. Suddenly he was back in his body and he woke up.

  21. Another thing that happened: Someone at my church claimed to have seen an angel during the service-- a big one, at least 10 feet tall. It was probably capable of destroying an entire army, but it was down on it knees before God up in front at the altar!

  22. A related story: Apparently A woman no one had ever seen before came in during the service at my church (before I started coming) and came up front and gave an absolutely mind-blowing prophecy that later came to pass. There was something strange about her, she was almost too beautiful to be real. She said "I shall return" and promptly left the church after giving the word and the pastor ran out to thank her, but she had vanished into thin air!

  23. Something that just happened- I was at a tent meeting with Freddy Clark one night and he told me to stand up. He read my mail and said that there was something wrong with my eyes and there was, for the past month I was barely able to read the bible and my vision was blurry. He prayed for me and I saw a pair of eyes coming from the ceiling and then down into me, instantly my vision came into focus! I am now able to read the bible perfectly!

    Freddy also read my mail again and said I was being tormented mentally and I had been having mental problems for quite awhile, he prayed for me and I started feeling alot better!

  24. You might want to have a look at this- given the 9/11 anniversary I thought I would share something I found on YouTube. it is a documentary on the 9/11 terrorist attack. It is amazing to see the hand of God on that day, there were many instances where people in the twin towers cried out to God in their situation and they were miraculously saved! The video is here:

    1. Something near the beginning of the video- a man talks about how he was sitting at his desk in the WTC tower when he looked out of the window and saw the hijacked plane headed straight for him! Instantly he cried out to God saying "God I can't do this take over!" He dove beneath his desk and the plane hit the building but he survived the impact and later escaped the building unharmed!

    2. Something that happened to my family- my dad had a friend that was working at the Pentagon on the morning of the 9/11 terrorist attack. He had completed typing a report but it turned out that the computer network in his office had died so he could not email it to his boss so he left his office and went down the hall and hand-carried it to his boss. At the very moment he was down the hall the hijacked plane made a direct hit on his office and he would have been killed had the email been working! He escaped from the building and survived!

    3. I just discovered this video on YouTube and giving the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks I thought I would share it. there was one video of a woman who successfully escaped from one of the WTC towers. She was walking down the stairwell from one of the top floors and she was exhausted and couldn't continue. She cried out to God and an angel showed up, touched her back, and instantly strength came into her and she was able to go on and escape before the building collapsed! There are numerous stories about people crying out to god on 9/11 and they were miraculously saved!

    4. Something I saw at the end of the video- There was a female receptionist named Josephine. She was trying to escape from one of the towers and was on her way down one of the stairwells and a group of firefighters were on their way up. She was exhausted and couldn't continue. The other tower had already collapsed and the firefighters knew they had to evacuate immediately but they made the decision to stop and help this woman anyway. They were at around the 25th floor when the building they were in collapsed as well. It turned out that the lower floor they were on slowed down the upper half of the building that was falling and it shielded them from the force of the collapse and they all survived! Had they not stopped to help the woman they all would have died! I believe that this was God rewarding them for their selflessness and bravery!

  25. Something small- my mom had a miscarriage before she had me, so I have a brother in heaven whom I have never met!

  26. Another thing- I was at a New Years Eve worship meeting at my church that went until around 12am. I left the church and as I was driving away when I felt strongly I needed to pray for protection as I drove home. I got distracted and never prayed but I was about 1/2 way to my house when I looked into the rear-view mirror and saw an SUV going very fast headed straight for me. I cried out to God and suddenly God took over and I swerved into the next lane and then a SUV blew past me probably doing 60 MPH. Probably a drunk on the way back from a party. God protected me from a horrible accident!

  27. A testimony from a pastor of one of the churches I attend- I attend a church that is located on a farm, the pastor is a farmer for his line of work. The pastor refuses to take a salary, only that God blesses his farm. This has been happening- he grows all sorts of crops and has been getting cantaloupes the size of bowling balls and huge watermelons and a massive quantity of sweet corn, he has been getting so much he has been giving it out to the congregation at the end of the service, it is the best sweet corn I have ever had and the cantaloupes are excellent and the watermelons are a nice deep red inside, the best watermelon I have ever had as well! The farm is huge and it is so beautiful, I can sense the presence of God there and it is nice and peaceful.

  28. Something small that came to me while I was sitting in church- just like a seed needs water and sunlight to grow, a spiritual seed God places in us needs light (truth) and the living water to grow.

  29. Something that just came to me- God's power is like a fiber-optic cable. A fiber-optic cable is a tiny glass fiber that conducts light from a light source, used for data communications. The fiber must be perfectly aligned with the light source in order to function- when this happens the beam of light will travel down the center of the fiber and the fiber-optic cable is capable of a high data-rate and will function as intended. On the other hand if the fiber-optic cable is not perfectly aligned with the light source the beam of light will bounce off the sides of the fiber and the data-rate will be effected and the signals will arrive out of order. Something came to me- if we are properly aligned with the light of God (truth) we will function as intended in the Spirit and be good conductors of God's power!

  30. Something I found on YouTube- it is a documentary of the construction of the 2nd Jewish temple in Jerusalem in the time of Jesus. It was enormous and beautiful and was an amazing feat of engineering in it's day! I will post the link to the video below:

  31. Praise Report! This happened to me years ago. I was driving over to church at 7pm last night when a huge torrential downpour started, within minutes all the roads started flooding and a flash flood warning was issued. As I was driving I came upon a road with water across it, I totally underestimated the depth of the water and tried to drive through it but I got half way through and realized I was not going to make it and it was too late to go back. The engine died and water started pouring into the car. I realized I needed to get out of the car NOW. I pried the door open and jumped out into chest-high water, I took a few steps and the water was over my head and I had to swim a good 30 yards to escape the water. My car is totaled and the water killed my cell phone but at least I am OK. God was faithful through all of this, I was swimming out of a car completely submerged in water and then 30 yards or so to save my life (with shoes and clothes on) and there was no fear at all. Not one iota. I was completely calm, I just knew what I had to do. I hadn't swam in years but I was doing it like a pro. Also there were some people who stopped and helped me that I thank God for!

  32. Something else that happened to me- I was at work at a summer job at a repackaging plant and went off on lunch break only to realize that I had forgotten my lunch money and I would have to go the day hungry. Suddenly God spoke to me and told me to walk up to the vending machine (it was the kind that had sandwiches and other things). I did it and without warning the machine spit out a $5 from the slot! I took it. There was another man standing next to me at another vending machine and he ordered a box of cereal, however it gave him 2 and he asked if I wanted one! I said yes! I used the $5 bill to buy a sandwich and a bottle of milk for the cereal and I was well-fed for the rest of the day!

  33. You might want to have a look at this video- it shines some light on the back-story described by events in the bible! In the book of Daniel it describes the story of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar was a great king in his day, the greatest king in history. He single handedly built a huge empire through military conquest and also the great city of Babylon- the greatest city in the world which is modern day Baghdad. He was completely full of pride and self-absorbed. He was incredibly proud of what he had accomplished. He thought he had accomplished all of this under his own strength and intelligence. He was so proud that he even inscribed his name on all of the bricks of his constructions in the city of Babylon along with boastful claims about himself.

    It says in Daniel 4:30 that Nebuchadnezzar said to himself: "Is this not the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?

    This all culminates in Nebachadnezzar receiving an angelic visitation in a dream which Daniel then interpreted, one year later it came to pass and Nebuchanezzar went completely mad and left his capitol city to live with the wild animals eating grass and his head covered in the dew of heaven. Once he repented of his pride and acknowledged the one true God his sanity was restored along with his kingdom. The link to the video is below, it is 28 minutes.

  34. Something that happened to me- I was at a tent revival with an evangelist named Freddy Clark. He has an amazing gift, everyone who he prays for gets miraculously healed! He prayed for me and told me that my IQ was going up (this kind of thing only happens at his meetings). I am currently in grad school online and the next day after the meeting I was logged into my course when suddenly I realized I could do my work better, my mind was sharper! My IQ went up, way up! I looked at some notes I printed out and I memorized the whole thing in 60 seconds and then took a test and aced it! This miracle has changed my life, due to this I may be able to complete my graduate program and get my degree!

  35. A testimony- I used to have Seasonal Affective Disorder, depression in the winter months. It was pretty severe and I was severely impaired, right around maybe November depression just came over me and I was like that until maybe April the next year (I live in Pennsylvania, we have bad winters). I gave my life to Christ in 2003, that year around November I felt it come over me like usual, however then it stopped, started going the other way, and then left completely! It has never come back! I love winter now!

  36. I think an angel spoke to me in a dream! I saw a young man in a robe in my dream, he spoke to me and said "Wake up, Dave." And I woke up. I had been working on a unit for my grad school course and I had only 1 day left to get it done, I was right down to the wire. I think the angel woke me up because I needed to get to work right away or I would run out of time! I think God might have sent an angel to help me pass my grad school course. He has been helping me alot, He really wants me to pass! I started working and I did not understand the unit, I had no idea how to do it, but suddenly ideas started popping into my head and I understand it now! A voice said, "You see? Easy." I am now able to finish my work, if I can pass this unit there is a good chance I will graduate from grad school! I had no idea how to do it, I would have failed for sure if God had not intervened!

  37. Something that happened years ago- I was in the CD duplication ministry at my church and I decided to buy an audio editing program that would help me get my work done, I bought it online for $14.99 dollars. The next day I was at my parent's house and the doorbell rang, I answered the door but there was nobody there and I looked on the doormat and there was exactly $14 in cash lying right there! I left it there for the time being to see if the UPS guy dropped it but nobody showed up so I took it!


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