
Notes- Revelations from God

Attitude Control You might have heard the term “attitude control” in the news when referring to a plane crash – that the plane lost “attitude control” and crashed. In the world of aviation the term “attitude” refers to the direction in which you are pointed. 0 to 90 degrees is positive attitude while 0 to -90 degrees is a negative attitude, with 90 degrees being straight up, 0 degrees being perfectly level , and -90 degrees being straight down. There is a Godly principal in this idea as you will soon see. If we replace the believer with an airplane, when we get saved we get our wings (faith) and take off. The engines are the Holy Spirit and the fuel is the written word of God. It is impossible to climb without POWER (the engines). If we try to climb and go higher in the things of God without POWER this is a stall and we will drop like a rock until we regain lift (our wings). As we fly the terrain beneath us is things of this world, our circumstances, and our problems, and the sky a...